Monday, August 15, 2011

Was Mom Dad's One and Only?

I've always wondered if Dad was involved with any other girls before he met mom. Here is my answer:

"Sweetheart, we are both frauds, the phlegmatic Joe and the   calm, unemotional Mary. I remember my mother telling me once  upon a time that I wasn't as hardboiled as I wanted to be, that someday a girl would get under my hard shell and discover I am all soft inside.  I remember too that I laughed at that. But  now darling that hard shell has melted completely. I speak of a million kisses to be exchanged between me and my Mary,  I  who have never kissed anyone , even my mother and sisters since I was a baby. I probably never grew up, Mary, beyond the tough guy stage which all little boys pass through. You know, the time when they think girls are sissies, and a real boy leaves all that kissing and stuff to girls.

Darling, you've taken on a hard job in falling in love with me. When I look back, I find it strange that I knew I loved you, Mary beloved. I guess it was because my  emotions were unloosed in a tidal wave when I discovered you, Mary.  Sweetheart, I don't want to give  you the impression that before I met you, I believed that girls would have no part in my life.  Looking at it rationally, I  knew that of course they would. That was the trouble. I looked at it rationally. Naturally as I got older, I discovered that girls were nice to know, that I liked to talk to them, though usually I was too shy to. And I dreamed of being in love, but it was always a well-behaved dream--a dream in which I always knew what I was doing. Because I knew that falling in love was something one did deliberately.

It would be simple. I would meet sometime a girl  whom I was attracted to and I would fall in love with her.  I never really considered the girl's side of it. That's why darling the miracle of  your loving me still seems unbelievable to me.  When I did fall in love with you, Mary, it was and is so  much of a complete surrender of everything I am or ever hope to me, I don't know the right words Mary, so I'll begin again.  When I did fall in love with you Mary, and learned what being in love really is, I couldn't conceive how you could feel the same towards me, sweetheart. I turned "can't"  to" couldn't ," Mary, because my heart seems to know that your loving me makes my love for  you more complete and because I love you, your love is complete.

Dearest. I've learned these things from my heart; up to a year ago, I thought the mind was the only teacher. Now I  know  how wonderful are the lessons the heart teaches the mind.  Beauty as a mental abstraction is something cold, but when beauty is perceived through the love of the heart, the beautiful becomes a colorful living reality.

Yes, darling , just knowing that we love each other gives us so much. It changes our world; it transforms us. I''m like you Mary; I'm afraid to think of the happiness that will be ours when we are together in our love. The happiness I am filled with when I receive and read one of  your letters; the happiness that would be mine were I to receive all the letters  you've written and will write to me all at once, would be just a promise of  my happiness when I will be with you, my Mary, my own beloved Mary. Yet when I open one of your letters, darling, I can't conceive of being any happier than I am right at that instant. "

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