I will not say these words are new, only that they are from my heart. Uncle Peter's warm and outgoing personality always put me at ease and while I can't say I remember details of what we spoke, I can remember vividly his willingness to engage me, as a young man in conversation and my relief to be able to talk so easily with one of my many uncles. I felt we connected and that was a big deal for me. I remember it as if it were yesterday.
As Michael Nolan said, this was a really great thing when you felt nervous amongst a sea of Nolans (which was also especially daunting for us out-of-towners). We never had much time in town to visit, so the opportunity to get to know one's relatives was extremely valuable. Uncle Peter's abilty to knock down the walls of distance and to ignite familiarity was awesome. Whenever I visited the Reehils, we had a great time that began with their bright smiles greeting us at the door. My brothers and I enjoyed teasing the girls and always felt so welcome.
My last visit to their home must have been in the 80's. It was this Nolan gathering there where I met an older Michael Nolan and we decided that we were both a little odd for this Nolan clan ("black sheep", if I remember Michael's exact terminology). In Peter's living room, a budding writer and an artist discussed our future endeavors. It helped bring us both closer together. Michael is now my daughter Erin's godfather. The Reehi!
ls home was always a wonderful place for the Nolans to come back together and I appreciate their boundless generousity.
Though the time has come for him to go home and the fragility of human life is again revealed, nothing will conquer my loving memories of Uncle Peter nor silence the prayers this night on his behalf. His memory will live within my heart forever as an example of how to be a happy person, as an example of courage but mostly as an example of how to love and be loved. I guess I can take some comfort in knowing that Uncle Peter will be waiting to welcome me Home one day with his wonderful smile. God bless him, let him laugh again and give him and his family peace through Your love this night and forever. Amen.
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