Stephen was born at 8:40 am, November 19, 1948 at Mary Immaculate Hospital. His parents were Mary V. and Joseph J. Koch. He was named Stephen for St. Stephen. He was baptized at Our Lady of Loretta Church, Hempstead. His godparents were Agnes Zaleski and Frank Nolan.
His birth was registered in Queens, NY. He was 8 lbs, 14 oz. and 21 inches long. He had blue eyes, blonde hair, a fair complexion, and resembled Richard (which is not true). His first visitors were the family. Under notes, cards, telegrams, gifts, someone has written 'nothing." He got his first tooth in April 1949.
His first outing was home from the hospital. The same person who wrote nothing above claims in first train trip was September 1956.
Stephen was too young to appreciate that first Christmas, but by the second Christmas he was really enthused by his blocks and pull toys. His first birthday was a family party; those present were Mary Jo and Richard, and he got toys. His first step alone was 14 months. At two y ears old he had a family party and got toys. No guests are mentioned. His third birthday was a family party, and no gifts or guests are mentioned. For his fourth and fifth birthdays, there were apparently no parties, guests, or presents.
His first or second or hundredth words were not noted. Half the family tree is filled out by his sister.
His playmates are Richard, Richard Walley, Douglas Burrill, and Bobby Schuler. Presumably his sister was too busy filling out his baby book to play with him.
He started school in September 1953. He went to Queen of the Holy Rosary in Roosevelt from kindergarten through third grade, then went to St. Martha's.
His teachers: (as far as I can decipher mom's handwriting)
Miss Finn in kindergarten
Mrs. Boyle (sp?) in first grade
Sister Brian Thomas in 2nd grade
Miss Rice in 3rd grade
Sister Francis Gabriel in 4th grade
Sister St. Monica in 5th grade
Sister Owen Marian in 6th grade
Sister Lawrence Marie in 7th grade
Sister Catherine Eli in 8th grade
Stephen walked home from Roosevelt when he started 1st grade
This entry was mom's zenith as a family historian.
Stephen joined the cub scouts when he was 8 1/2 years old.
His favorite stories were Lolita and Tropic of Cancer, writes the same person who assured us he got no presents as a baby.
Mom notes, "we had several pussy cats." His sister lists Frisky 1, Starkey, Frisky 2, Bagheera; mom lists Trigger; the Lolita person lists "cat."
Here are the important events in Stephen's life
Chicken pox, Jan. 1951
Mumps, December 1953
Measles, June 1954
Polio shots, 1955
Holy Communion May 1956
He was inoculated against diptheria and whooping cough in 1949; smallpox in 1950; polio in 1955
There are various heights and weights listed. That is it.
Significantly more entries in Peter's book were done by his sister and Michael's and Mark's books have mysteriously vanished.
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