We lived in a tiny two bedroom, one-story house. Was Richard allowed to play the drum inside? Richard has always assured me I beat him up regularly when he was too young to fight back. No one has ever verified this accusation, and this picture proves it must be false. If I regularly terrorized my brothers, surely my parents would not have given me such an effective weapon. This picture proves Richard had not a fear in the world that my baton would come in contact with his head or his drum.
Were my frequent confessions that "I hit my brothers" due to an overscrupulous conscience. and a lifelong susceptibility to Richard's stories? I afraid not. I confessed hitting my brothers, along with disobeying and talking back to my parents, every single time.The priest should have been more skeptical about my resolution of never doing it again. But I used my hairbrush, not my baton. A sharp elbow jab cannot possibly qualify as even a venial sin.
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