Stephen, Michael, and Peter experiment with varied identities at Christmas, 1959. Dating these pictures is a challenge where there is no obvious clue like a graduation or an identifiable vacation place. Sometimes the slides are dated, which helped me out here. Stephen is wearing a Notre Dame football shirt that Uncle Frank gave him when we visited Uncle Ken at the Paulist Novitiate in 1956, but that doesn't help much because Michael would have been a baby if it were 1956. It got easier to decide how old my brothers were when they stopped wearing the same crew cut.
I used to think Dad only took pictures during family vacations, Communions, Confirmations, and graduations. When I was looking for Christmas slides, I realized that Dad only took pictures outside. Either he didn't have a flash or the flash worked very badly. The few indoor shots are poorly lit. I have to work hard to make them bright enough to be visible.
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